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![]() The JOJO'STM were first introduced in Israel in 1995 and sales surpassed 9,000,000 units in six months. In late 1996 early 1997 the JOJO'STM found their way into France. TF1, the major broadcast network and distribution company in France got behind the project and over 70,000,000 units were sold in nine months. The JOJO'STM were used by several promotional partners including Nestle, Danone, Esso, Chups, Krema (a Kraft subsidiary) and Disney. Furthermore LAOR TOYS has licensed companies worldwide to produce a variety of JOJO'STM merchandising items such as sneakers, linens and even a compact disc featuring the JOJO'STM campaign was launched in South Africa in the summer of 1999 and became a national craze, selling millions. In addition, the product was re-introduced in France in February 1999, and throughout 1999 and the first part of 2000, the JOJO'S were sold in mass volume in Denmark. In the United States LAOR TOYS and IMPERIAL TOY CORPORATIONS have teamed up to make the Original JOJO'S Bouncin' Boneheads! phenomenon. IMPERIAL TOY conducted a massive television campaign all throughout the United States and pursued the major brand names in America to use the JOJO'S as a promotional item. In addition to the exciting family of JOJO'S figurines, IMPERIAL TOY launched a wide array of JOJO'S products and games. LAOR is currently enthusiastically pursuing the production of the JOJO'S animation series and possible motion picture, which promises to capture the hearts and minds of children all over the world. The JOJO'S web site can be found at www.originaljojos.com ![]() SKIDEEZ/SlLIDERS The SKIDEEZ are a LAOR TOYS creation which originally consisted of a family of 24 original designs for collectable figurines designed to magically skid and slide on a metal ball which is inserted into the figurine. In 1999 the SKIDEEZ were sold to P&M Licensing in Spain, and were called Shockers. The campaign met with great success throughout this territory. The SKIDEEZ/SHOCKERS are produced by LAOR at its manufacturing facilities in Israel. Also in 1999, the SKIDEEZ concept was licensed to OddzOn Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, the largest toy company in the world. OddzOn changed the name to SLIDERS and created an entire line of original designs called WARPEDOS, and received the POKEMON and WWF licenses for the SLIDERS. The POKEMON SLIDERS sold more than 2 million blisters (3 units in each blister) with unbelievable success all over the world including North America, South America and the UK. The POKEMON SLIDERS were also voted by Parents' Magazine (November 2000 issue) as "Best Toy of the Year". The SLIDERS and WARPEDOS lines are now once again the sole property of LAOR TOYS including all of the original designs created by OddzOn and are to be sold worldwide by LAOR.
![]() To contact: 28 Tarshish street, Building 28 Northern Industrial Park, POB 3078 Caesarea Tel: 972-4-6327750, 972-4-6327749, Fax: 972-4-6327640 Contact: Ms. Michal Laor, Marketing Director ns_laortoy@bezeqint.net www.laortoys.co.il |
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