Home » Merchandise » Bone Heads Popper

Released by Imperial Toys, the “Bone Heads Popper” is plastic trash can that is used to eject Jojo’s in the air.

It came packed with six Jojo’s and was available in multiple colors.

Jojo’s were placed on a spring-loaded platform inside the trash, lid closed. Once pressed on the round sticker location, the lid opens, ejecting Jojo’s in the air.

Imperial also made a Garbage Pail Kids “POP-UP” product in 1986 that they reused and rebranded Jojo’s Bouncin’ Boneheads. The cans are almost identical.

Dimensions (pack): Unknown
Dimensions (Popper): 86,5mm x 52mm (h x ø).

More about the POP-UP on geepeekay.com