Journal de Mickey 2308
Le Journal de Mickey is a French weekly comics magazine distributed since 1934.
Very popular, it was the perfect magazine to promote the Jojo’s launch as soon as September 1996. It came with a free Jojo’s blue pack.

The pink insert is the only Jojo’s related content in the magazine. It translates to:
Dear subscriber, Copies of this issue sold on newsstands include a sleeve of 2 Jojo’s. For postal reasons, we were unable to provide our subscribers with this pack. If you wish, you can receive* a 2 Jojo’s pocket free of charge, by simple request on a stamped postcard.
JDM-Jojo’s, 2 rue Gambetta 10551 Marigny-le-Châtel Cedex.
*While stocks last.
Maybe due to stock issues, a second version of this magazine exists, without the Jojo’s mention.