L’Express article translation

Not content with stuffing children’s faces with images, TF1 has decided to occupy schoolchildren. Since May 15, Jojo’s have been invading playgrounds. A kind of jacks with monster heads, available in 30 families and more than 7 colors. A total of 210 bits of plastic to collect and swap, in short, to “jojotize”, since, as we all know, the very essence of playtime gadgets is to let children’s imaginations run wild. An affaire deemed highly profitable by the king of ratings, at least by his filiale TF1-Entreprise, which has acquired the worldwide rights to this Israeli product. Cost of Jojo’s? 2.50 francs a piece, but they’re always sold in pairs!
Unless you “win” them by calling 36-68-14-08 (2.23 francs per minute), or pick them out of a packet of cookies…
To the tune, of course, of Jojo’s, the new song by Heroes’ Party, watching the monstrous advertising campaign on TF1… TV this time.
– Saranga Karen