Home » Printed media » Unscanned sticker books

This page contains the remaining sticker albums from all around the world that does not have scans to be displayed in a fancy pdf viewer.

If you have an album yourself and want to contribute to this site, please reach out to me through my social networks accounts!

Danish album

Features 16 pages. Includes games, rules and story.

This album shares some pages and artworks with Imperial’s Sticker Album. However, it is not made or distributed by Imperial Toy.

Russian album

It’s unknown if pages are missing of if Jojo’s 33 -> 36 are missing (yet they were released as figures in Russia)

Italian album

All pictures shown are taken from this YouTube video by user “Shido ASMR”.

This album contains exclusive visuals for the Jojo’s 1/7/8, implying that they may not have been released there.