Jojo’s Russian album translation
Note: Translation is not perfect and still needs to be rearranged and rephrased.

Once upon a time, the Jojo’s were incredibly bored; they slept most of the time in a dark, cold cave. From time to time they woke up and yawned and stretched. Because of this uninteresting, monotonous life, they were completely colorless.
Sometimes a blind mole would come into the cave and look at them, blinking funnily, and every time would say: “You guys are strange creatures, you’re real Jojo’s!” So our heroes got used to being called Jojo’s. (Word to word translation : Weirdos)
But one day (how lucky he was that it was day and not night!) one of the Jojo’s got really crazy! The mole forgot to close its hole in the ground, so the curious Jojo decided to see where this amazing animal lived. At first he was lazy and didn’t really wanted to walk down the corridor, but then he felt that the walls of the tunnel were getting warmer: immediately he became cheerful and rushed forward, the further away from the cave he went, the faster he walked, he even ran.
He did not wanted to stop, so he ran faster and faster until he saw a ray of sunshine coming from above! The Jojo wanted to play with it and climbed towards the beam. The sand crumbled away, but the seethe kept blinding his eyes more and more, and finally… the Jojo made his way out onto the milky white sandy beach. In front of him splashed endless sea with funny lambs on the crests of waves, swayed in the wind green caps of palm trees. And the blindingly bright sun caressed the colorless face of the Jojo.
Jojo was delighted with this world, so different from his cold, gloomy cave at home. He immediately rushed to his friends to tell them about the wonders he had seen. But the other slackers not only did not move, but did not even look in his direction when he told them his story. All real slackers prefer to do nothing at all: sit in one place or sleep. One of the Jojo’s did lazily declare that it was all fiction. You should have seen how angry the traveling Jojo got! He pounced on his lazy friends with his fists, pushing, shoving, tickling them until they got angry and rushed to catch him. They called him a bouncer and threateningly promised that they would slap him as soon as they caught him. But they only caught up with him on the fantastically beautiful beach….. and forgot about their threats.
They began to play jumping, running, chasing, running away, singing and other fun games.
They were so hot that the sea decided to cool them down and pelt them with huge wolves, but the Jojo’s only laughed and cleverly dodged them. Then the wind drove up a rain cloud and poured it on them like a bucket, but the Jojo’s only shrieked with joy and jumped even higher. And when lightning struck from the sky, the Jojo’s invented a new game: they began to bump against each other so that lightning bolts jumped between them, and the sound of the bumps resembled the crunch of coconuts being cracked.
This made the Jojo’s to want nuts, so they ran to the palms: some started climbing up the trunks, while others started swinging the trees. The Jojo’s fell down with the nuts, shouting louder and louder with delight. Then the sky, in order to calm these freaks, stretched out its rainbow hand.
But our heroes were not embarrassed, and their chief bouncer shouted: “Forward, to the assault!” And the Jojo’s, hooting, rushed at the rainbow, grabbed it by the fingers-rays and pulled it apart in all directions.
As a result, each of them had a long sword-stick and several colorful balls in his hands. They started fencing and throwing the balls at each other. When the balls hit the Jojo’s, they mixed with the funny creatures and colored them.
Soon many colors were mixed up, but there was not a single colorless Jojo’s left!
Suddenly it got dark… The Bouncer looked around: the sun was sinking below the horizon. He commanded: “Enough playing and fooling around! It’s time to go back to the cave and take a break! – “Why are you calling the shots? – The Jojo’s were outraged. ‘Because I’m the strongest!” -replied the commander and shoved the Jojo’s who was shouting the loudest in the side. The Jojo’s flew quite far away, and it became clear to everyone that it was useless to argue with the bouncer. “Tomorrow we will continue our competition,” promised the bouncer. – We’ll do the long jump and high jump. And we’ll have a name contest! “Hooray!” -shouted the Jojo’s and went to the cave to rest.
In the morning, the players really came up with names for each other: one was called Tolkun, another – Jumping, and the commander as a sign of respect the share of the name Sulervyshibals.
This is how the Jojo’s themselves tell their story.
You can make up your own story, and also make up a name for each Jojo’s in your album. Write the names under the stickers.
Whoever sends a letter with the funniest Jojo’s names gets a prize. So will the one of you who comes up with the best Jojo’s story.

Game Rules
Pick a Jojo’s and use it to knock out the other Jojo’s!
- Arrange the Jojo’s in a row and throw each of them with his or her bouncer from one position in turn. Whoever hits takes the bouncer and throws it again,
- Line up the Jojo’s in rows, like soldiers, and try to hit them from the same position with your bouncer Jojo’s. If you miss, put your Jojo’s last in the row, if you hit, the Jojo’s is yours.
- Hit from the same position the Jojo’s that you don’t have in your collection. The winner is the one who hits the most new Jojo’s.
- Throw the Jojo’s into the wall from one position and reach your fingers from your Jojo’s to your opponent’s Jojo’s. If you reach it, it’s yours!
- Toss the Jojo’s up. If he lands face up – you lose him, if he lands face down – you win.
Make up your own Jojo’s game!
The Jojo’s game is a win-win game.
Everyone who sends 100 or more bags can win video games, VCRs, cameras and super prizes – two free trips to Eurodisneyland for the whole family.
Whoever sends the most bags will get a prize – a BONUS TV.
Play and win a prize!
Jojo’s will bring you luck!

Dear boys and girls, moms and dads,
grandparents, uncles and aunts and all your friends
Read our fairy tale of the life of Jojo’s and make up your own, and most importantly – collect 100 or more bags from Jojo’s and send them to us to the address:
195279, St. Petersburg,
Industrial Prospect, 38/1.
TEKC Publishing House
phone: (812) 529-14-15