Home » Merchandise » Bamba Jojo’s

Bamba Jojo’s is a small series of 4 Jojo’s distributed exclusively as gifts in bags of Bamba brand corn puff (Close to Cheetos or Wotsits but corn flavored).

One figure could be found in three different colors in every chips bag. They were available in transparent purple (laser purple), transparent yellow/green (laser neon) or transparent pink.
Each represented a character from the Israeli series Ha-Comedy Store, from which Jojo Khalastra originates.

They are numbered from 50 to 53, and there’s a TV advert for this promotion, watchable here (link).

#50 : Yesh-Li-Yesh-Li

Based on the character Yesh Li Yesh Li (יש לי, יש לי) played by Assaf Ashtar.

#51 : Jacques

Based on the character Jacques (של ז’ק) played by Ruby Duenyas.

#52 : Yefet

Based on the character Yefet (יפת) played by Gil Sassover.

#53 : Ham

Based on the character Ham (חם) played by Ruby Duenyas.