Original Jojo’s creation

Jojo’s are created in Israel by Michal and Ilan Laor

9,000,000 units are sold in six months.
The original series contained figures of Jojo Khalastra, mystery 7 and 8bis.

Early 1996

European crusade

Boosted by TF1, Jojo’s are released in many parts of Europe and Russia.

This release was composed of the 33 Original Jojo’s in the 7 regular colors before the new versions of 1 (King), 7(Nad) and 8 (Luke) were added a bit later. 8bis is still distributed alongside Luke.

70,000,000 units are sold in nine months.

Early 1996


Transparent Jojo’s are added in the packs, with a wide variety of new colors.


Special Edition

Jojo’s special editions are released, including 5 new colors (black, white, metallic silver, metallic gold and pearl)
This is also the release of the french red pack.

Every household brand want to take advantage of the Jojo’s phenomenon, giving us Jojo’s in biscuits, gums, lollipops and many more promotional items. A CD/Vinyl is even released.



In 1998, Imperial Toy enters the scene and brings the Jojo’s to the UK and US. They bring with them the new “Imperial (neon) green” color alongside a lot of diverse merchandising (Balls, caddies, game board…)

They also add the “Bouncin Boneheads” subtitle, allowing the distinction between Imperial and LAOR products


Limited Edition

Imperial releases painted versions of some characters and chromed metallic figures. Those were sold in special packs.

Summer 1999

This time for Africa

LAOR introduces Jojo’s in south Africa. The little colorful blobs are selling millions.

Norther Europeans countries like Denmark are also given a successful release of the original Jojo’s.

Summer 1999
October 1999

This is Halloween

Ghostly Packages” are (maybe) released by Imperial. New package but same Jojo’s and colors.

October 1999

Jojo’s Series 2

Imperial is adding 12 new characters. Object shaped, this series isn’t really a hit.

Early 2002

The new millennium

TF1 decide to revive the Jojo’s franchise in France, by releasing the good old 33 (1/7/8 seem absent this time) characters in a national craze.

Early 2002
Spring 2002

Soccer is everywhere

… and so are Jojo’s! TF1 is launching a new series of soccer-themed Jojo’s, the Tim’Foot. A TV Series is planned, alongside many merch.

6 Millions of Tim’Foot packs are sold in the first 4 month of commercialization, but the series quickly get out of breath. Merch and TV series is canceled. This is the end of the Jojo’s.

Visit timfoot.jojos-archives.net to see more!

Spring 2002

Low effort reboot

In 2009, TF1 acquires the rights of the “Dracco Heads” brand. Trying to ride on the Jojo’s fame, they rebrand the first series of the Dracco Heads with a “Jojo’s” logo and call it a day.

Released only in France, this series isn’t very well received and is quickly removed from the shelves.